Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sneak Peek of Gen Con: What's in the Box?

Continuing our series of Daikaiju Director sneak peeks leading up to Gen Con, I present to you the game box! Before I go into the reveal I wanted to inform everyone about our playtest slots in the First Exposure Playtest Hall. Come by Friday or Saturday at the below times to play some games or talk about Daikaiju Director.


  • 8AM - 10AM
  • 2PM - 4PM


  • 2PM - 4PM
  • 6PM - 8PM
We hope to see you at Gen Con!

Anyways, on to what you came here for. Without further to do I present to you the new Daikaiju Director game box:

Snazzy, right? It's a much needed update to the old boxes from the UD Con playtest. It's got the new logo and some fancy art. There's also a blurb explaining what Daikaiju Director is all about. Now let's take a look inside.

It's a bit bigger than the original. There's room for all of the components. You can see the set tiles sitting snugly in the lower left compartment. The Twist Decks for all 4 daikaiju fit in the spot to the right. The daikaiju standees are just above the decks. That leaves the upper left compartment for everything else. There's the building and lava props, along with dice and the various counters for health, energy and ratings points. Below the box you can see the 4 daikaiju cards, more about those later...

What's this?

That's right folks! We've got 2 prototypes finished. That means that we will be running 2 games at the same time during our playtest slots! That's double the dose of Daikaiju Director!

That's all for this installment. We will probably have one more post before Gen Con so keep checking the blog, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twiter.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sneak Peek of Gen Con: the Set

With only a few weeks between now and the Gen Con Playtest, I figured it's time to give everyone a taste of what to expect. Today's feature is all about the set. We've been hard at work creating new prototypes for playtesting. Check them out below!

Here's the configuration that we have been using for all of the play tests so far, including Gen Con. This configuration is made for 4 player games. The center of the set, which is the focus of all of the action, features a city nestled between two lakes. The rubble hexes are where building props are placed when you start the game, and the dark green spaces are Daikaiju starting positions.

Here it is in pieces. You can construct different sets with these set tiles. There are 3 main tile types.
  • Starter Tile: These tiles are just a bunch green grass and don't have any special features besides the Daikaiju starting positions. There's 2 variations of this tile.
  • Waterfront Tile: These tiles feature 1 building prop and a whole bunch of water. This hinders movement for non-aquatic monsters.
  • City Tile: These tiles are the center of attention in every game of Daikaiju Director. The have 4 building props ready to be wrecked and a lot of space for Daikaiju to duke it out!

Up top there's the bases for the building props. Put three buildings in them and place the prop on the rubble spaces on the set. Then the game is ready to play!

Take a look at it all set up! Not a bad looking set. It'd be a shame if some angry giant monsters showed up and started breaking things... Actually that would be awesome!

Here's another shot of the set featuring some lava. Looks like the city is about to be burned down thanks to Vulcanus!

Well, that's all for this round of Gen Con Sneak Peeks. Stay tuned too see what we reveal next week and spread the word about Daikaiju Director. Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter before Gen Con @Daikaiju_Direct!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I'm Going to Disneylan-er I mean GenCon!

That's right folks! We're going to be at GenCon!

I'm excited to announce that Daikaiju Director will be having an official play test in the First Exposure Playtest Hall at GenCon Indy 2015. We haven't worked out all of the details yet so we can't say for certain when our test slots will be scheduled. I'll post that information as soon as it's set in stone. What I do know is that we will be running multiple games during our slots so make sure to tell your friends and stop by for some giant monster board gaming goodness!

Don't know what GenCon is? It's the best 4 days in gaming! 
Click this image for more info:

Follow us on Twitter @Daikaiju_Direct and help spread the word!